Sunday, February 6, 2011

Spring... Where are you.

I had my first driving experience on black ice the other day. I didn't even know it was icy until I pulled into a parking place at work and my car slid in. It was crazy in the parking lots and sidewalks. Mason said the Emergency room was very busy with people coming in who had fallen. A couple people fell walking into the place I work and one parent couldn't stop her car and slide into another one. Just a bad day to be out and about.

We have been lucky so far with no days we wish we would of just stayed in bed. I always think that those people who fell or had an accident, if they would of stayed in bed that day then what ever happened to then wouldn't have happened... Right!!!!!! So we should all just stay in bed..
Hibernate like the bears do. Eat all we can just before winter, get fat and sassy and then just sleep the dark days of winter away...

Our snow has been gone for a while now, just very cold. You all know how much I love the snow, but if I had it my way, it would only be here for the holidays and then Spring could blow in with a soft gentle breeze and be warm again. How does that sound!

Mason is replacing the rear brakes on our car today.. I guess they were shot.. Not a fun job! He is thankful that there is an autohobby shop on base. At least he can be inside a heated building.

We just have 5 days left until we go to London.. WOW.. can't imagine that I'll be in London. Never thought that would ever happen. Did you? Can't wait to tell you all about it.

Sweet Dreams

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