I remember when Mason and I first started talking about moving to Germany (about March 2010). I called my sister Cathy and told her... Guess what... I've moving to Germany.. Her first questions were... when and when can I come visit... We decided right away she would come in May 2011 and she did...
I was so excited to have the opportunity to live in Europe and then to have Cathy come visit was going to be fabulous... and then the time finally came and she and Sean showed up.
Mason and I picked them up in Frankfurt and we hit the ground running as soon as we left the airport.. Cathy had said for us to plan to start sightseeing as soon as they got here, so Mason and I planed our first adventure with them...
We visited a quaint little village called Rudesheim... It is such a cute place.. It wasn't to far out of our way from the airport so it didn't take to long to get there... you have to cross over by fairy.
This little street is very, very narrow. The story is that one can stop at all the wonderful bars along the street and just kind of bounce along from one bar to the next without falling to much... the sides of the street will keep you on your feet....
It is beautifully decorated with all the German charm of a small village..
We weren't on the narrow street long before we found ourselves a bar with open doors just waiting for us to come in and have our first drink... It was quite a cute place with lots of musical instruments hanging all around...
I try to take in all the beauty around me as we walk through the village.. the cobble stone streets, all the grape veins growing from the smallest unpaved piece of ground it can find to grow in. The wonderful old roofs that look all crocked and very old. Beautiful old windows, lamp post,window boxes full of bright colored flowers... there is just so much to love about the villages...
on the hour, these bells played a wonderful song and the people turned round on the turn table. It was quite beautiful to see and hear.
After spending time in the village we decided to take a cruise down the Rhine River, so we walked across the street, found the ticket shop and waited for not to long before we found ourselves sitting on the top deck of the cruise boat. I think we were on the boat for about an hour and a half. We passed by about a dozen castle set up on the hill sides of the very beautiul German countryside.
The cruise boat took us to a little village called Bacharach were we got off and spent some time walking around. We walked up to the top of a hill where you can see for miles around and enjoy a great view of the Rhine River. At the top of the hill is this very old church. It's in ruins but the view is worth the walk... lots and lots of stairs to climb.. I thought I was going to die!!!!
We walked around Bacharach for about an hour and then got back on the cruise boat and headed back to Rudesheim.. It was a little cool on the way back so we sat inside the boat to get out of the cool breeze that was blowing... After docking we walked back to the car and drove home. Cathy and Sean were tired after their fist day with us. They hadn't slept since leaving Anchorage so it had been quite a long day for them.... It was Great spending time with my Sis.....
nighty night....
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