Monday, January 31, 2011


I can say I've been to Holland.. that's about all I can say.. We drove there on Saturday to go to an antique flea market.. Cuijk Holland is the place. Well it took us about 5 hours to get there because we some how got the wrong address off the internet. I don't think we walked in the doors until 2:00, 2:30 somewhere around there. They close at 5:00pm so we went through fast. It's a very large flea market. To much new stuff and junk for me..

But I did see a couple windmills, Shetland ponies (which I haven't seen in a long time), house's with thatched roofs, and lets see what else......... Oh, we saw these trees that were kind of like grape vines, with trunks like a tree but looked like they were being trained to grow in weird shapes on top. Nothing like I've seen before.. We were driving or I would of taken pictrues to show you..

Anyway, Mason found two small clocks, a shelf and some weights. I found a very ornate gold frame that has cherubs made with marble where a picture would be.. Very girly......The lady I bought it from said it was very Dutch... So I have my Dutch piece now to take home..

Sunday we didn't leave the house.. I worked on my blog all day and some other computer stuff, but other then that we didn't accomplish much...

I'm going to love you and leave you for now... Time to call my favorite daughter...

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