Sunday, June 20, 2010

Friday was a family day for all Military people so they were all off work.. Mason was to work from the hotel... He called on some houses, made one appointment to look at one and left messages with others that still haven't called back.. That seems to be the norm here!

Our new friend Steve (who happened to fly over with us, and happens to be staying in the same hotel as us, every thing happens for a reason they say) has been nice enough to take us around ... He was very lucky and found a car and house right away... he is Military so its a little different for him... Any way, he took us to see a house on friday.. the house was nice, it's 3 stories which is very common here, out in the country with a fabulous view, but it sits right behind this barn looking building and the smell is terrible. There are no animals but they do something else that puts out this smell.. I don't want to go home every day and smell it... Mason said I'd get use to it and not smell it anymore but I don't want to get use to that smell...
It has every thing and more then what we are looking for or need...BUT!!!!

So the hunt is still on... we called on a duplex today, sounds nice and looks nice from the pictures we've seen. One of the problems here is no one calls back... And it's a dog-eat-dog

Saturday we ran around with Steve looking on what is called the Lemon Lot on base.. It's a parking lot where military people park their cars to sell... There must of been 50 cars there.. we called on one but we were third in line to look at it... the first people bought it... Most of the cars here are manuals and I don't want to drive one...So you see, the problem is ME......

Today which is Fathers Day we have no plans. We went for a short walk this morning, waited for two people to come by so we could look at phones they are selling (but they never showed up) and so far haven't done anything else .. ( we did look on line for houses again!)

Break time... talk at ya later

1 comment:

  1. you are not the have standards! smells that don't go away are not ok!! and cars from "lemon lots" are scary!!! but manuals are faster and more fun to drive! love you mamma
